Our Priorities

Health & Well-Being 

We support students’ physical and mental well-being with both preventative and responsive care, providing a range of support for students who have a range of needs. We believe health and well-being include all the places and programs where students find connection, purpose, and community. 

Equity & Inclusion 

Students come to WSU with a variety and complexity of identities. We create opportunities for them to find a sense of belonging and build community at WSU. Our equity and inclusion efforts are always evolving, and our students inform what we do and how we do it.  

Leadership Development & Student Success 

We create opportunities for students to develop “power skills”: ways of thinking and acting that allow students to positively interact with others and navigate complex situations. They include communication, critical analysis and decision-making, intercultural insight, effective collaboration, and ethics. Sometimes known as “soft skills,” they are an intentional skill set that is critical no matter what career path a student pursues. 

Student Readiness 

We are focused on ensuring our staff, programs, and campus are ready for students so that we have what they need to be successful. We create spaces that feel like home and provide opportunities for students to build skills and develop lifelong habits, while remaining nimble and responsive to ever-changing student needs.