Hazing Prevention at WSU

WSU takes hazing and hazing prevention very seriously. We follow Sam's Law and encourage all groups to participate in healthy activities that foster connection and community without intimidation or fear.

  • Sam's Law - RCW 28B.10.905

    Sam's Law requires all public colleges and universities in the state of Washington to establish a hazing prevention committee to increase transparency about hazing education and intervention (see below). It also increases the penalties for hazing: under Sam's Law, hazing is a gross misdemeanor instead of a lower-level misdemeanor, and incidents involving death or “substantial bodily harm” could be charged as felonies.

    The law is named after Sam Martinez, a first-year WSU student who died in a hazing-related incident in 2019. For more information about Sam's Law, visit the Washington State Legislature website.

  • Good Samaritan Guideline

    The WSU Good Samaritan Guideline ensures that students experiencing alcohol and/or drug intoxication receive prompt and appropriate attention without receiving any formal discipline for alcohol or drug use and possession under our community standards (for you and the intoxicated individual). For more information on the guidelines and what is and is not covered, see the Good Samaritan Guideline page.

Student Organization Policy Violation Report

The following is a list of student organizations that have been investigated for violating the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and details about how Washington State University conducted investigations and held groups accountable. This website provides information in compliance with RCW 28B.10.906 for WSU Pullman Student Organizations, athletic teams, and Living Groups.

  • The report will include the following information:
  • The name of the student organization, athletic team, or living group;
  • The date the investigation was initiated;
  • The date on which the investigation ended with a finding that a violation occurred;
  • A description of the incident or incidents, including the date of the initial violation and the violations, findings, and sanctions placed on the student organization, athletic team, or living group;
  • The details of the sanction or sanctions imposed, including the beginning and end dates of the sanction or sanctions, and 
  • The date the student organization, athletic team, or living group was charged with a violation.

Any hazing violation of a student organization, athletic team, or living group will be made public for at least five years.  

 Current Student Organization Policy Violation Report